Hazel Bradshaw

Who decides what is real? My work attempts to both scrutinise and bamboozle this question via investigations in abstract, mixed media landscapes and visual biographies. Within them the ‘real’ – places I have visited, experiences I have had – combines with the imagined, so that assignment of place or person becomes difficult or imprecise. The viewer’s interaction with the work, when they seek to locate their own, imprecise, memories of landscape and person within the subject matter, at once both propels this scrutiny and renders it redundant. Or am I just imagining that?

Gallery (click to view)

Hazel trained in Illustration and Graphics at Ipswich Art School from 1979 – 83. Upon leaving she worked as a jewellery maker whilst studying for a City & Guilds in Enamelling, Chasing and Repossue at the Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design in London. The intervening years have, amongst other things, seen her employed as a paste up artist, producing artwork for a screen-printing company and a full-time musician. Since 2011 she has been the proprietor, owner and artist at Brook Farm Studio in Bildeston, at which she both teaches and creates her own work.

June 2013 & June 2014 Suffolk Open Studios
May 2017 Farmers Club, Bury St Edmunds
Work on permanent show at Brook Farm Studio, Bildeston, IP7 7EX

To enquire about the availability or price of a particular artwork on this page, please contact the artist using the form below.

Contact Hazel Bradshaw