Roger Gamble

I have been for over a half-century a figurative painter. Looking at my back catalogue I can see that the subject matter, and my treatment of it, has undergone more changes than I have imagined. These days I am drawn towards the opportunities presented by the essential elements of my local landscape; the spinneys of birch, the typical Breckland rows of gnarled pines, and the vast, silent conifers of Thetford Forest. These provide me with a never-ending supply of ideas. I enjoy the challenges of deconstructing and reconstructing these ideas, and the magic of finding out what happens. Just occasionally, I like to present myself with the challenge of producing work in a totally different style, a leap in the dark, ‘let’s see what happens!’ One result has been a return to the human form and face,
Painting is one continuous voyage of discovery and self-discovery.

Gallery (click to view)

Studied at the City of Norwich School, and Norwich College of Art, trained as a Lithographic Artist at Jarrolds, retiring in 1994 from a career in printing and publishing to concentrate on painting and music. Gaining first prize at the Eastern Open resulted in interest and shows in galleries around East Anglia and London’s Mall Galleries. A founder-member and former chair of Breckland Artists.

Forthcoming Exhibitions
Harrods Gallery:, Hingham June 2023
Mandells Gallery Norwich: Summer exhibition July/August 2023
Wymondham Arts Centre: September 2023
Artworks, Blackthorpe Barn: Sept 2023

To enquire about the availability or price of a particular artwork on this page, please contact the artist using the form below.

Contact Roger Gamble